Computer Management Co., Ltd. (CMK) for System Development ・Web Development
About 4,000 PC kitting units were deployed to approximately 600 locations nationwide. We have consistently responded to the arrival, storage, kitting, packaging and shipment of equipment. In addition, we minimized the burden on our customers by responding to the following
☐ Create delivery schedules tailored to your operations
☐ Reduction of initial defect risk by inspection work
☐ Asset Management
☐ Response to inquiries from bases after delivery
As support for Windows7 ended on January 14, 2020, there was a need to revise the device. Since our company originally handled help desk stake in the customer's internal environment, we were aware of the internal situation of each site, so we received the expectation of the development of reasonable and efficient kitting by sharing information with each other with existing help desk units.
We were able to reduce costs by consistently in charge of receiving, storing, kitting, and shipping equipment.
In addition, by responding to inquiries after delivery, we were able to contribute not only to costs but also to reducing the burden on our customers.