Computer Management Co., Ltd. (CMK) for System Development ・Web Development
In response to the existing issues, we have investigated the root causes for issues such as system performance slow down, review of operation costs, license problems with S / W and implemented a proposal for measures that anticipate replacement. With regard to replacement support, in terms of implementing new solutions, we have consolidated physical to virtual environments, and introduced backup and log management as additional functions. In addition, we completed the replacement of Active Directory environment which had problem previously.
The existing system had been built for several years and had problems with low disk space and low fault tolerance.
We spent a great deal of operational effort to cover the problems of these systems in operation, and we were working to solve various problems that we had in existing systems in conjunction with the system's simultaneous replacement when the hardware was overdue.
By introducing high-capacity storage and virtualizing servers in the new system, we have realized a configuration that can be easily extended even in the event of additional construction due to the expansion of the customer's business in the future.
In addition, by centralizing the ActiveDirectory environment built in two data centers in Tohan, we have reduced data center maintenance costs and improved maintainability, reducing operational load.