Computer Management Co., Ltd. (CMK) for System Development ・Web Development
With the renewal of the corporate site for commercial facilities, we have built the infrastructure base of the new corporate site on AWS. Since multiple web servers are required, we have introduced a automatic configuration tool (Jenkins) to improve efficiency and accuracy at work. In addition, automated scripts (log evacuation, content backup, DB backup, etc.) are created and installed for operation. We are constantly monitoring the infrastructure, and introduced a system that can respond to failures and notify system administrators immediately when a problem occurs.
About five years have passed since the construction of the current corporate site, and the design infrastructure needs to be reformed. In addition, it has become necessary to support https at all times to improve security. We were asked to build our AWS infrastructure technology and we have come to build it.
To build the foundation for a new corporate site for commercial facilities, we took advantage of new features of AWS that were not available five years ago. As a result, we were able to support https at all times and build AWS servers in a short period of one month. In addition, we are proud that our customers were satisfied by improving the functions of the operation automation script utilizing our past operational experience, and by building a system that enables more accurate and simple automated operation.