Computer Management Co., Ltd. (CMK) for System Development ・Web Development
In order to reduce the procedure load of agencies and contractors, We have create a system that allows users to view and enter contract contents by using a tablet. The estimation and confirmation of contract contents during the application process also have been developed. Due to all the process have been computerized, the approval process also can be done by a signature from a tablet
Since the main system is the use of general agents, it is necessary to select your insurance from among a number of life insurance companies and ask the contractor to make a proposal. In order to do this, it needed to be easy to understand and use. In addition, because the difference of operability and the movement by the os difference of the tablet happens by all means, it was necessary to devise it to not lose the ease of use in any OS.
With the success of the above system development, the paperless ness of other businesses has progressed, and our company has been involved in the development of such products, leading to the expansion of orders. In addition, we have implemented subsequent maintenance development, such as changes in response to system revisions and improvements in the user interface.