Computer Management Co., Ltd. (CMK) for System Development ・Web Development
Beside the introduction and implementation of a personal insurance system, we have been doing maintenance and development as a prime vendor for more than 20 years. Particularly, in the transfer and maintenance after the life insurance contract, billing, deposit, judgment payment, fixed-rate payment, etc. We have make sure that the system change corresponding to the new systemization, the insurance system revision, and the insurance rate revision. We have been working to improve the efficiency of insurance affairs and continue to support our customers' operations based on our business know-how.
"Maintenance system" that manages the contents of contracts for established insurance contracts, "billing and storage system" that creates and storing insurance claim data, and pays insurance claims by claims such as death, benefits and maturities. In the system of the important positioning such as "Payment system", business know-how to propose an appropriate correspondence consciously of the time period and the cost is necessary. At the same time, we provide technical capabilities that can understand and utilize both systemization requirements, knowledge and knowledge in implementation phases.
We support the operation and maintenance of the system with the awareness of both the system side and the business process side of the line of business of the life insurance company. We have built a strong long-term relationship of trust with our customers. Customers will be able to make better use of their limited human resources. For example, we are able to concentrate on supporting systematization requirements for new product development and project management running at the same time. Our services support the infrastructure of life insurance companies as a group with technical capabilities that combine their expertise.